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  • ADA 301 Application of electronics for automotive

    ADA 301 Application of electronics for automotive

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    ADA 301 Application of electronics for automotive
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    Brands:Alecop - Spain
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ADA 301 Application of electronics for automotive
Equipment to study the electronics applied in automobiles.
The ignition circuit has been taken as the common theme throughout the process of teaching applied electronics in the automobile. This circuit has undergone significant improvements throughout history until reaching the current solutions which are largely derived from the use of electronics. This has been one of the reasons why we have decided to base part of the study of electronics for the car industry on this real automobile application.
The application has different electronic circuits which can be combined together to assemble the different systems used in designing ignition circuits:
Ignition spark generation using a switch.
Ignition spark generation using a transistor circuit.
Ignition spark generation using a condenser discharge system.
Technical characteristics
Incorporates the electronic blocks which are necessary to analyse the following circuits:
- Power pack.
- Circuit to generate sparks using a switch.
- Multi-vibrator circuit or square signal generator.
- Circuit to generate sparks using a transistor.
- Circuit to generate sparks using a condenser discharge system.
- Power circuit for a CC motor.
- Circuit to vary the speed of a CC motor.
- Circuit to vary the luminosity in the lights.
Test points to take measurements on the different circuits.
Accessibility to all the electronic components for analysis under voltage or without voltage.
Possibility of generating disfunctions in different components of the equipment.
Possibility of doing different electronic assemblies ona proto-board.
Measurements: 446 x 270 x 100 mm.


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